- No events scheduled for January 8, 2024.
Beating Up on Your Patient’s Periodontal Disease – A Minimally Invasive Approach for Doctors and Hygienists
Live Dental CE WebinarsOne-on-One with Dr. DiTolla: Mark Kleive, DDS, on Modern CAD/CAM Materials
Live Dental CE WebinarsLaser Applications in Pediatric Dentistry: Elevating Clinical Excellence
Live Dental CE WebinarsThe Benefits of Xylitol in Oral Health Prevention Strategies and Beyond
Live Dental CE Webinars“Top of the Heap!” Frequently Prescribed Medications and Their Clinical Dental Considerations- 1
Live Dental CE WebinarsPeriodontal Concepts for The Modern Dental Practice: From Diagnosis to Long Term Maintenance Care
Live Dental CE WebinarsWeek of Events
Dental professionals must frequently draw upon their knowledge of pharmacology for optimal care of today’s medically complex dental patients. However, armed with relatively brief exposure to such a vast subject during formal education and faced with ever-changing medication therapy guidelines, many dental professionals simply cannot keep up with the latest trends in disease state management....
One of the most common medical conditions that the dental professional will encounter is patients with eating disorders. Eating disorders affect more than 24 million Americans. Because eating disorders primarily affect women ages 12 – 25, who are otherwise healthy, the dental staff members are often the first health professionals to suspect that a serious...
Beating Up on Your Patient’s Periodontal Disease – A Minimally Invasive Approach for Doctors and Hygienists
Beating Up on Your Patient’s Periodontal Disease – A Minimally Invasive Approach for Doctors and Hygienists
Doctors and Hygienists can learn together about an evidenced based approach to eliminating and controlling Periodontal Disease. This presentation will discuss a scientifically sound approach for effective control of all levels of periodontal disease using the non-surgical approach with scaling and root planning, or minimally invasive surgical intervention for more advanced disease. Both indications will...
One-on-One with Dr. DiTolla: Mark Kleive, DDS, on Modern CAD/CAM Materials
One-on-One with Dr. DiTolla: Mark Kleive, DDS, on Modern CAD/CAM Materials
In this webcast, Michael DiTolla, DDS, and Mark Kleive, DDS, will discuss the newest CAD/CAM materials that offer optimal physical and esthetic properties without the need for firing. These materials are the ideal time-saving solution for single-visit chairside treatment and are therefore a great benefit for the dental team and the patient. Learning Objectives:
Laser Applications in Pediatric Dentistry: Elevating Clinical Excellence
Laser Applications in Pediatric Dentistry: Elevating Clinical Excellence
Discover the potential of the 9.3-micron CO2 laser in pediatric dentistry! In this CE webinar, learn how this novel technology enables anesthesia-free, blood-free, and pain-free procedures in hard and soft tissue, elevating the overall dental experience for patients and families. For pediatric dentists, all-tissue laser dentistry can enable improved practice efficiencies, heightened clinical effectiveness, and...
The History of RDA and Modern Erosive Tooth Wear
The History of RDA and Modern Erosive Tooth Wear
Overview: Patients are often fixated on the idea of toothpaste abrasiveness as the key factor in tooth wear; however, this talk will demonstrate that acid-mediated tooth wear, so-called erosive tooth wear, is the dominant process for tooth loss in typical individuals. This talk will also focus on how to reduce your risk of erosive tooth wear....
The Benefits of Xylitol in Oral Health Prevention Strategies and Beyond
The Benefits of Xylitol in Oral Health Prevention Strategies and Beyond
This class will discuss xylitol's mechanism of action, background information concerning its chemical properties, oral health prevention strategies, and uses beyond oral health. LEARNING OBJECTIVES:
Improve Your Dental Hygiene CDT Code Accuracy
Improve Your Dental Hygiene CDT Code Accuracy
When did you last take a class on CDT procedure coding for dental hygiene services? In the last year, did you know the descriptor for D4355 changed? What about alternating the billing of D4910 and D1110? What procedure code do you use for a 10-year-old with all their permanent teeth – it’s not D1120....
This course will review the anatomy of the head and neck region. Emphasis will be placed on reviewing the anatomy of the bones, muscles and nerves connected with the Tempormandibular Joint. This course will discuss various aspects of head and neck anatomy as it plays a role in the creation of referred pain that may...
Course Description: This course will review the anatomy of the head, neck and arm with an emphasis on nerve entrapment and myofascial pain that originate in the head and neck. Soft tissue therapies will be demonstrated that relieve fascial tension, restore range of motion and relieve pain. The importance of fascia and its role in...
Oral Cancer: A Focus on Prevention
Oral Cancer: A Focus on Prevention
This course will provide the oral health care team with tools to help identify oral potentially malignant disorders (PMDs). These PMDs are almost always present and visible before an HPV-negative oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) develops; therefore, detection of these PMDs is vital in improving the lives of those affected by PMDs and oral cancer...
Craniofacial Pain: How Dental Providers Can Provide Holistic Care
Craniofacial Pain: How Dental Providers Can Provide Holistic Care
Chronic head, neck, and facial pain can reduce a patient’s quality of life, making it challenging for them to eat, work, and sleep. What can dental providers do to help?Join CareQuest Institute for a webinar that will feature experts in the field of pharmaceutical sciences and a comprehensive view of contemporary challenges and pain management...
Instructor: Melissa Masters Sponsor: Dental CE Masters Live Participation Webinar $45- Payment Link Belowminimum 5 maximum 30 participants This class can be taken by anyone but it will fulfill the Indiana state requirement.Class requires participation in the discussion. Ethics and Professional Responsibility are big topics in dentistry. Ethics class will allow you to talk...
Introduction to Procedural Endodontic Techniques
Introduction to Procedural Endodontic Techniques
Please note your TIME ZONE! This Course is a Live Webinar and will be live-streamed: 7:00 pm ET, 6:00 pm CT, 5:00 pm MT, 5:00 pm AZ, 4:00 pm PT This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE) through...
Advanced Imaging for the Craniofacial Region: A 25-Year Review
Advanced Imaging for the Craniofacial Region: A 25-Year Review
Webinar Description Advanced Imaging for the craniofacial imaging has evolved over the last 25 years. This lecture will showcase the basic principles of 3D imaging and how the technology has been applied to the dental office through the years. Attendees will be introduced to three-dimensional imaging, comparing it with the traditional two-dimensional assessments and exploring...
“Top of the Heap!” Frequently Prescribed Medications and Their Clinical Dental Considerations- 1
“Top of the Heap!” Frequently Prescribed Medications and Their Clinical Dental Considerations- 1
The challenge faced by all clinicians today is to provide safe and effective dental treatment to our medically complex patients. However, dental professionals find themselves practicing in a marketplace awash in direct to consumer advertising of prescription drugs and in the midst of an explosion of new drug entities over the last several years. Thus,...
Dental Emergencies and Painless Injections Live, Interactive Webcast Continuing Education Course - 3 Hours Credit Instructor: Dr. Kenneth Colerick Course Description:Dental professionals need to be equipped to deal with different forms of dental emergencies to teeth, bone, and oral soft tissues. This course will look at how to assess various forms of emergencies and deal with them appropriately....
Instructor: Melissa Masters Sponsor: Dental CE Masters Live Participation Webinar $45- Payment Link Belowminimum 5 maximum 30 participants This class can be taken by anyone but it will fulfill the Indiana state requirement.Class requires participation in the discussion. Ethics and Professional Responsibility are big topics in dentistry. Ethics class will allow you to talk...
Periodontal Concepts for The Modern Dental Practice: From Diagnosis to Long Term Maintenance Care
Periodontal Concepts for The Modern Dental Practice: From Diagnosis to Long Term Maintenance Care
This live webinar will clarify diagnosis and treatment planning to help hygienists and dentists feel comfortable with stabilizing periodontal conditions and creating a predictable foundation for successful ongoing maintenance and restorative care. The topics covered will include diagnosis, prognosis, minimally invasive anti-microbial methods, osseous concepts, role of trauma from the occlusion, and predictable methods for...
25 Shades of Grey and a Whole Lot Less Risqué
25 Shades of Grey and a Whole Lot Less Risqué
This live webinar is designed to be a full review of radiology for Dentists and Dental Hygienists. Dr. Svirsky will walk the audience through a number of common cases as a way of reacquianting the audience with key radiographic entities common to the dental practice. There will be an emphasis on common radiolucent and radiopaque...
Minimally Invasive Restorative Dentistry
Minimally Invasive Restorative Dentistry
Each webinar will begin with a 15-minute Q&A session with the Business Advisory Board Panel discussing the most up-to-date issues facing practitioners. Then the webinar jumps straight into the main clinical presentation, below, and ends with a short Q&A session. Learning Objectives:
Pediatric Pulp Therapy and Stainless Steel Crowns Live, Interactive Webcast Continuing Education Course - 3 Hours Credit Instructor: Dr. Jeanette MacLean DDS Course Description Frequent snacking, not flossing, and unsupervised brushing combined with baby teeth’s thin enamel, enlarged pulp chambers, and tight, broad contacts create the perfect storm for rapid breakdown of tooth structure. Multi-surface restorations...
The Opioid Epidemic and Dentists: Scope, Related Issues and Dental Implications of Patients With Substance Use Disorders
The Opioid Epidemic and Dentists: Scope, Related Issues and Dental Implications of Patients With Substance Use Disorders
This program is designed to help dentists meet their continuing education requirements for prescribing controlled substances. The course provides an update on the current scope of the opioid epidemic and its impact on pain management in dentistry, and a review of the clinical pharmacologic traits of opioid analgesics and those of non-opioid alternatives for the...
Exploring the Oral-Gut-Brain Microbiota Axis in Dentistry
Exploring the Oral-Gut-Brain Microbiota Axis in Dentistry
COURSE SUMMARY: The intricate connection between the oral cavity, gut, and brain has garnered significant attention in recent years. This cutting-edge continuing education course delves into the emerging field of the Oral-Gut-Brain Microbiota Axis and its implications for dental professionals. Participants will explore the bidirectional communication between these three systems and understand how disruptions in the...