Live Dental CE Webinars

One of the most common medical conditions that the dental professional will encounter is patients with eating disorders. Eating disorders affect more than 24 million Americans. Because eating disorders primarily...


The History of RDA and Modern Erosive Tooth Wear

Live Dental CE Webinars

Overview: Patients are often fixated on the idea of toothpaste abrasiveness as the key factor in tooth wear; however, this talk will demonstrate that acid-mediated tooth wear, so-called erosive tooth wear,...


Improve Your Dental Hygiene CDT Code Accuracy

Live Dental CE Webinars

When did you last take a class on CDT procedure coding for dental hygiene services?  In the last year, did you know the descriptor for D4355 changed?   What about...



This course will review the anatomy of the head and neck region. Emphasis will be placed on reviewing the anatomy of the bones, muscles and nerves connected with the Tempormandibular...
